24 Volt. Automation for gates up to 1200 Kg. Speed 24 m/min

P-500MASTER-R DC sliding gate operator with encoder, complete with electronic control unit and built-in 433,92 MHz rolling code radio receiver. Speed up to 24 m/min. Max. gate weight 1200 kg.

Motor power supply

Gate weight

Type of use


• apartment building/commercial use
• for gates up to 1200 kg
• low voltage dc fast gate operator
• optical encoder technology


• obstacle detection and crush prevention
• works even during power outage thanks to the optional backup battery
• fast operating speed
• intensive use, ideal for use on apartment buildings and public entrances
• external emergency release available (optional, P/N 650ESE02)
• auto-learning of the gate stroke through optical encoder

Video Tutorial
+130% SPEED

Percentage calculated in comparison with the 230 Volt version


Closes the gate quickly to protect your family


For sliding gates up to 1200 kg

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