250TXD2 - 250TXD4

Dip Switch technology transmitters

P-250TXD2 Two-channel transmitter, dipswitch technology, 433,92 MHz. Not compatible with the newest control boards generation.

P-250TXD4 Two-channel transmitter, dipswitch technology, 433,92 MHz. Not compatible with the newest control boards generation.


• frequency: 433,92 MHz
• range: up to 200 m in open air (the effective range depends on terrain and possible radio frequency interferences)
• 1024 code combinations
• dipswitch technology


• easy programming
• code can be easily changed by setting the switches inside the transmitter
• dipswitch transmitters can be programmed both in dipswitch and selflearning radio receivers
• a transmitter can be programmed into any number of self-learning radio receivers, thus avoiding the use of different transmitters

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