18 Volt. Automation for gates up to 1800 Kg. Speed 14 m/min

P-500MASTER18QRF DC sliding gate operator with encoder, electromechanical limit switch, complete with electronic control unit and built-in 433,92 MHz rolling code radio receiver. Max. gate weight 1800 kg.

Motor power supply

Gate weight

Type of use


• apartment building/commercial use
• for gates up to 1800 kg
• low voltage dc gate operator
• optical encoder technology


• obstacle detection and crush prevention
• in accordance with en 12453 standards*
• works even during power outage thanks to the optional backup battery
• fast operating speed
• intensive use, ideal for use on apartment buildings and public entrances
• external emergency release available (optional, P/N 650ESE02)
• auto-learning of the gate stroke through optical encoder

Video Tutorial

Protected electronic control unit built-it in the motor complete with radio receiver.


Both 12 and 24 V versions work even during power outage thanks to the optional backup battery


Obstacle detection and anticrushing safety ensured by the optical encoder. The encoder also manages the deceleration in the closing and opening phases and the adjustment of the gate stroke which doesn’t require a limit switch.


By combining the 250TCONNECT module, it is possible to control the automation remotely by your smartphone.

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    *البريد الإلكتروني

    * رقم الهاتف

    * المهنة

    * بلد الإقامة


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