Vídeo tutorial

Bienvenido a nuestra sección de Vídeo Tutoriales, el punto de referencia para instaladores y profesionales de la automatización. Aquí encontrarás guías prácticas y detalladas sobre cómo configurar, instalar y optimizar los productos TAU. Sigue nuestros tutoriales para que tu trabajo sea más fácil, rápido y sin errores. ¡Mira los vídeos y descubre todas las soluciones TAU!

TAU | Tutorial: remote programming of a new rolling code remote control on Tau control units

TAU | Tutorial: how to do a remote programming of a M-2RP transmitter (rolling code)

TAU | Tutorial: how to do a remote programming of a S-4RP transmitter (rolling code)

TAU | Tutorial: how to do a remote programming of a T-4RP transmitter (rolling code)

TAU | Tutorial: how to do a remote programming of a S-2RP transmitter (rolling code)

TAU | How to unlock a swing gate automated with Tau operators

TAU | How to unlock an automatic Tau sliding gate

TAU | Tuorial: how to connect P-250T-CONNECT via ethernet

TAU | Tutorial: how to connect P-250T-CONNECT or P-250T-CONNECTW via Wi-Fi

TAU | Tutorial: how to configure the application TauOpen 2.0 in 5 simple steps!

TAU | Tutorial: how to connect T-CONNECT via ethernet

TAU | Tutorial: how to connect T-CONNECT or T-CONNECTW via wi-fi

TAU | Tutorial: how to modify the parameters with T-WIFI and TauApp

TAU | How to program the TAU wireless system for safety edges in 7 STEPS

TAU | How to HARD RESET the RADIO RECEIVER of the control board

TAU | How to HARD RESET the control board of your automatic gate

TAU | Tutorial: how to configure the TCODE and create an activation code

TAU | Tutorial: How to reset the TCODE

TAU | Tutorial: how to create a custom activation code for TCODE-W

TAU | Tutorial: how to reset the TCODE-W

TAU | How to copy the code of a dip-switch transmitter through a self learning transmitter

TAU | How to learn a K-SLIM and T-4 transmitter on a 433 Mhz RXSM radio receiver

TAU | How to learn a Rolling Code trasmitter on Diamond control boards

TAU | Remote learning of a new rolling code transmitter

TAU | How to learn a rolling code transmitter on the control board D760M

TAU | How can we change the code of the digital keyboard TSG4RP?