Automatic gate safety: the current legislation

The European directives adopted by Italy

When industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates are installed, it is important to comply with national and, if applicable, international regulations. In 2002, European directives EN 12453 and EN 12445 were accepted by Italy and came into force replacing the previous UNI 8612 regulations, introduced in 1989.
Even if there are no sanctions in case of non-compliance with the safety regulations, these requirements are very important to reduce or cancel risks for both installers and occasional users of doors and gates.

Automatic doors and gates: a connection with the Machinery Directive

The international regulations on the safety of automatic gates use, as reference and source of inspiration, Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC: a connection based on the fact that, after being connected to an electric motor, a door or gate becomes a “machine” and must be treated as one, regardless of whether it has been installed for a condominium or a factory.
Photocells, radio-controlled safety edges, remote controls, emergency stop and force measurement devices: these are all components of an automatic door and gate automation system (or for its installation), whose characteristics are shaped by European directives transposed into Italian decrees.

More regulations on automatic gate safety

In particular, for the sector reference regulations, please refer also to the following European Directives:
 89/336/EEC on electromagnetic compatibility, adopted with Decree-Law 476/92 and its subsequent modification into Decree-Law 615/96;
– 73/23/EEC on low voltage adopted with law 791/77 and its subsequent modification into Decree-Law 615/96;
– 99/5/EC on radio equipment and telecommunication terminals.