Automatic gates: what do you need to do if there is no power?

Accessories for electric gates

For the life of a gate to be as long as possible, the gate must undergo periodic efficiency tests. An automatic gate includes some electronic and mechanical parts that, if not periodically checked, can malfunction and even create unpleasant situations. For this reason, it is necessary to check that photocells and safety edges, as well as the key-operated selector switch, are working correctly. In fact, if these systems do not work properly, they prevent the gate from moving. Keep the runners of sliding gates clean and lubricate the hinges of hinged gates periodically because this is vital to keep the system efficient. If the system is underground, check the condition of the foundation boxes and clean them to prevent the formation of water puddles that may damage the underground motors. To have good radio range for the remote control all the time, it is vital to change the battery as soon as a loss of performance is noticed and, if that is not enough, check the radio receiver, antenna and access control system, when available. These periodic checks of the electric gate accessories will allow reducing unpleasant incidents considerably.

What to do if there is no power

There are situations when, in spite of the attention placed on ordinary maintenance, the gate is blocked because of a power outage. In these cases the gate must be opened manually. To do this a special key is used, supplied on installation, that must be inserted in the lock on the gate motor. In fact, all automatic systems are provided with an unlocking system that is used to deal with similar situations. All 12V or 24V low voltage motors can, on the other hand, be run also in a power outage if they are fitted with an emergency battery.